Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Just wanna j.o.??

I may have screw myself over.

I was staying strong at not getting back together with Him. I was making myself the priority and feeling great about the whole thing. Then while hanging out with him one evening he asked if I was interested in jerking off. (Insert head shaking now). I shouldn't have done it. It was just that I feeling of the forbidden. It was quick and to some really cheap porn.

And what's worse is it's happened a couple of times since. And I know that only goes to complicate our sorted relationship all the more. And this last Friday he asked if I was okay for it to become a regular thing. I told him no. That it wasn't fair to him and his feelings. That it wasn't right.

I'm an asshole. I have earned that badge and should be wearing it so everyone knows.

How do I backtrack from here? I don't know, but I am going to have to find a way.

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