Tuesday, January 12, 2010

So yesterday afternoon I got an email from Him telling me that he wanted to meet to return items I have left at his place over the last year, and for me to return his items to him. I agreed and also put in a comment that I guess this meant that he clearly did not want to be friends.

Since I had decided to rebuild myself I check out when a yoga class was offered in the evening, so I wasn't wasting my whole evening on being upset. There was one that started at 6pm. I rushed home after work, gathered his things, gathered my yoga things and headed out the door. Unfortunately traffic in the city was in grid-lock and I was forced to miss the 6pm class. I decided instead to head directly to his place and face the music.

To my surprise (who am I kidding I knew he wouldn't be home, but instead be with his best girlfriend bashing the situation, no doubt) he wasn't home. I used my keys to his place and dropped his things off with a note and grabbed the bags of things he had gathered of mine. I took a last look around thinking maybe this was the last time I would see his place and made my way out of the apartment that at one point felt more like my home, than the house I live in does.

I looked at the clock and figured I might as well head back into the city and try for the next yoga class, which I would have plenty of time to make. I found a parking spot and sat listening to music for a while. It was bitter cold out and I figured it was better to wait a bit longer in my warm car. Then my cell phone rings and it's Him. I answer and I can tell from his tone he is not happy.

I let him get a few things out, until my defenses get the better of me and I start laying it into him as well as he's laying it into me. I want to hang up so bad and throw my hands up but I don't. I continue to fight until I have to get to my class. I know it's not impressing him but I need the quiet zen world of yoga to take over my mind. I say goodbye and go in and escape the world.

After class and a cold shower I am walking back to my car and instinctively I dial his number. As it begins to ring I almost hang up but figure I have to have some peace. I tell him I'm sorry that I allowed the last conversation to get out of hand. That I shouldn't have responded to his upset in the way I did and apologize. I also tell him how much he has meant to me but things have become more complicated than I can handle. That I have been fighting guilt issues in my head and am not as put together as I probably look. And that in order to save myself from completely losing him to some big fight I had decided I needed to tell him I felt that we were just friends. That due to the situation with his ex, I have started to protect myself and in doing so withdrew from him. That I was sorry but I couldn't help it. I was starting to shut down because that is how I deal with certain things. My system doesn't deal with a million problems at once. I choose the ones that require my attention most and right now it is my son and my own strength.

He appreciated where I was coming from and thanked me for calling. I know it's not resolved to his liking but I feel like he was able to see things from my point and not from his hurt or rejected standpoint. We ended the call on a positive note around 10pm last night and I am going to leave it in his ball court now for making the next contact.


Anonymous said...

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end. Keep the faith.... Peace

newman said...

Thanks. I appreciate your words.