Thursday, July 2, 2009

Can't get you off my mind

It's still a daily thought. I want my old life back. I want to have my son in my house everday. I want to tuck him in every night. I want to hear every laugh and be in every one of his memories. If I knew it would be this hard...

I also miss my wife terribly. I miss my best friend. I miss meals, family gatherings and having a partner who was predictable. And I mean that in a way like... I knew body language... she knew when I needed space or understanding. I miss our unspoken language.

I knew it would be hard. I knew things wouldn't be the same. I didn't know it would hurt this much. I didn't know I would mourn the idea of a "perfect family-life" for my son so much.

If you're thinking of doing what I did and coming out to your wife... think long and hard. Contact me and I'll share thoughts before you do. I wish I had had someone with experience to talk to.

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