Saturday, September 19, 2009

Pros of being gay

So I guess lately a reader might think that I am quite negative about being gay, and personally I think of myself as being a very positive person... I am just getting overwhelmed at times in how much I miss my old life. And for that reason I thought it was important I write a positive entry on coming out and being gay... and what better than a bit of a pro list of coming out...


  • I get to have a sex life that is much improved... since I'm having it with men
  • I feel like I can completely be myself
  • I have made new friends that support me for who I am
  • I have a new sense of independence in that I'm not known as part of a couple, but as an individual
  • I have realized that I am appealing to people and that people think I'm a catch
  • I have learned who my true friends are
  • I have learned my own strength
  • Head IS better from a guy... it's not just a myth
  • I can go to places and events that were typically only frequented by homos

There's a small list... I'm sure it will continue to grow as I find my bearings more clearly. I will make it through, I just still need to mourn the loss of a relationship that I was involved in for the better part of my life.

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